In the 1970's, the movie Jaws, which portrays sharks as the killers of the deep, terrified millions of viewers. Couple movies like Jaws with brutal media attention, and the result is an intense psychological fear of sharks that, for most people, is never actually validated. More people are injured by elephants than by sharks annually (11). Unfortunately, it appears that the fear of sharks is waning and is being replaced by a drive for economic profits that is having a cruel and devastating effect on the world's oceans.
A very popular Chinese dish, that was once reserved for royalty, is Shark Fin Soup. A bowl of this dish, now consumed by the masses, can sell for $100 or more (1). This simple menu item, however, has led to more pain and suffering than you could imagine, as "shark finning" has become an overused and profitable practice.
Shark finning occurs when fishermen pull sharks out of the water, slice off their fins and tail, and drop the body of the handicapped shark back into the water. The shark then either bleeds out, is eaten by other animals, or drowns due to an inability to pull oxygen out of the water from lack of movement. Because shark meat is not valuable, fishermen consider the carcasses a waste of storage space that could be better used for other fish such as tuna, and not carrying the carcasses allows fishermen to "fin" an infinite amount of sharks, as the fins require very little space on the boat. Roughly 100,000,000 sharks suffer this fate annually, and the result is an ocean floor lined with shark carcasses, and a bland soup that is consumed in mass quantities. Shark fins are relatively flavorless; They are used more for texture, and are cooked in some type of flavored stock, such as chicken or abalone (2).
It used to be a burden to catch sharks in longlining nets, which are huge nets set out over a very large area (sometimes 60 miles) with thousands of hooks. Now it is considered a plus, and has been reported to be one of the biggest causes of the decimation of the shark population, as well as other marine life, some of which is endangered and legally protected. Longlining allows for the mass execution of sharks and collection of shark fins. The shark population (every known species) is extremely threatened. It has been estimated that 90%-99% of the world's sharks have been wiped out.
This is a PSA by Amanda Beard, professional swimmer, against longlining, over-fishing, and shark fin soup:
Sharks reproduce and age conservatively, compared to other sea creatures. They can take up to ten or even twenty years to mature, and when they are finally able to reproduce, they bear at most one pup every year or so. This means that the shark population is being absolutely decimated! Sharks of all ages are being finned, meaning that the newest generations are being slaughtered before having the opportunity to mature and reproduce. What if we hacked off the arms and legs of a child or an adult, and left that person on the street to fend for his or her self, only to bleed to death, starve to death, or get picked apart by fellow citizens? Is this not what is being done to sharks? The long-term effect of finning is that sharks will be wiped out of the oceans, which cover an amazing 2/3 of the world, due to the population's inability to recover quickly and sufficiently.
The effect of low shark populations can already be seen around the world. On the east coast of the United States, a significant decline in large sharks has resulted in a population boom for small sharks and rays, which are now consuming shellfish at an unsustainable rate (3). Because shellfish filter sea water, the water quality on the east coast has consequently worsened. The grouper fish population has also boomed. Parrotfish eat the algae off of the reefs, but parrotfish are being wiped out by the growing number of groupers, which could have devastating consequences on reefs that provide a home and a habitat for a number of marine species (5). The effect of the decline in Tiger Sharks has led to a decline in tuna, as Tiger Sharks feed on the tuna's predators (6). Additionally, it has been estimated that the majority of shark species will be gone within the next decade (4).
The Democratic Senator of Hawaii has compared shark finning to killing elephants for ivory (7). The biggest consumer of shark fin is China, and imports into Hong Kong are increasing by 6% annually (8), but Thaiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, the United States, and the European Union also import a significant number of fins. Shark fins are not only inhumanely collected, they are unhealthy and contain extremely high levels of mercury. In fact, according to the FDA, sharks contain the second-highest level of mercury of all measurable fish (9). Because shark fins are flavorless, there are many products that can be used as an alternate.
This is a brief look at shark finning by National Geographic:
As easy as it would be to criticize the consumers of shark fin soup for their decision to consume shark fin, Ellen Pikitch, an international shark and fisheries expert and executive director of the Pew Institute for Ocean Science, claims that in China, the name of the dish translates to "fish fin soup." In fact, Pikitch compares the understand that Chinese residents have of shark fin soup "to how Americans might be hard pressed to list the ingredients in many popular deli meats" (5). For this reason, it will be hard to stop demand, and ultimately the economic incentive, for the collection of shark fins. But the problem is still out there.
The depletion of the shark population is also having a negative effect on smaller coastal communities that depend on them as a resource. These smaller communities cannot compete with the larger fishing vessels, and sharks are no longer coming near the shores (10). These smaller communities, which utilize the entire body of the shark, are being deprived of an important resource that is instead left to rot at the bottom of the ocean.
You can print out consumer cards to pass out to managers or inform The Humane Society International of any restaurant that sells shark fin soup at
One idea that I particularly liked was, instead of printing out new menus, recommend to the restaurant to put stickers over the item claiming that it has been removed in an effort to conserve marine life.
Pass the word not only about the cruelty behind shark fin soup, but also about the health concerns and the high levels of mercury that have been deemed unsafe, particularly for women and children.
Educate people about sharks! Sharks are actually very gentle, shy animals that sometimes investigate strangers that come into their world. Can you blame them? Change the perception that sharks are scary, dangerous, aggressive animals!
Sign the No Shark Fin Pledge here:
Sharks receive a lot of negative media attention. Whenever you see something on the news that is "anti-shark," contact that station requesting that it run a story about shark finning or long lining.
Petition the Prime Minister of the Bahamas to Ban the Slaughter of Sharks!
Sign a petition to remove shark nets in Australia!
Sign a petition to save sharks in South Africa!
According to an Australian newspaper, Steve Irwin would walk out of a restaurant if he found that it served shark fin soup (2).
Famous basketball player, Yao Ming, has starred in a WildAid PSA about shark finning
Nigel Barker, fashion photographer and judge on America's Next Top Model, speaks out against shark finning:
“I believe that many people who consume shark fin soup simply don’t yet know about the cruel and wasteful practice of shark finning,” Nigel noted. “That is why I am joining with Humane Society International to spread the message far and wide.”
Watch Sharkwater, a (beautiful) documentary detailing sharks, shark finning, and the impact the practice has had and will have on the circle of life.
According to Sharkwater, these are the number of deaths annually from:
Sharks: 5
Elephants/Tigers: 100
Execution: 2400
Illegal Drugs: 22,000
Road Accidents: 1,200,000
Starvation: 8,000,000
Yet 3 sharks die evey second from finning and longlining.
Without going into details, the video explains that wiping out the shark population will have a devastating effect on the oceans, which will consequently disrupt our main source of oxygen and ultimately the entire ecosystem.
Adopt a Shark! Donate to the purchase of tags for the continued research on sharks, and receive updates and information on the shark you tagged!
Donate a Functioning Laptop to shark biology students in Mexico
Sadly, one of the most dangerously perceived animals on earth is being taken advantage of, which is having and will continue to have devastating effects on the natural marine system. Millions of sharks suffer and die annually all in the name of a bland Chinese tradition. And due to their reputation, it is difficult to develop sympathy for these animals. George Bernard Shaw once said: "Human beings are the only animals of which I am throughly and cravenly afraid." Sharks have been around for over 400 million years, even before the dinosaurs - what gives us the right to remove them from this world? The ocean is not an infinite resource, and it must learn to be respected before it's too late. So, I put forth the question: are sharks the real threat?
2. Ryan, Cassie. "Sharks 'Finned Alive' to the Brink of Extinction." The Epoch Times. May 20th, 2010.
7. "Hawaii Shark Fin Ban Passed." The Washington Post. April 27th, 2010
11. Sharkwater Documentary