"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
~ Mahatma Gandhi

About My Blog

Hey everyone!

My aim with this blog is to provide information and make that information more accessible to the masses. I intend to draw information about animal abuse and animal rights from all sorts of websites. I will do my absolute best to avoid advocating for a certain group (i.e. anti-fur, veganism, etc.); instead, I intend to only pass along information, and options for you to help the cause if you feel so inclined. Some of the material I post will not be for the faint at heart. I intend to post videos, articles, websites, and I intend to quote the information that I read. Unfortunately, the majority of people are truly unaware of the horrific conditions to which animals are subjected, through no fault of their own. I want to reiterate that I am not trying to push a specific cause onto people. There are too many resources out there that people ignore because the way the information is presented insults the reader and causes the person to feel guilty about his or her choices.

I want to make one thing clear. Since beginning this journey into animal issues, I have become a vegetarian, almost vegan, and I have sworn off all animal products. I do believe that it is important to explain how I feel toward animals as resources. First off, I despise vivisection, and I personally find that to be the most painful issue. However, I do not believe there is anything innately wrong with using animals for their resources (as meat, for their fur, etc.) Human beings have used animals for their resources for a long time, even primitively. There is a difference between how humans used to use animals, and how we use them today. We used to kill animals as humanely as possible and use every part of the animal as a resource. Today we mass produce animals for a specific cause, resulting in severe cruelty, inhumanity, and waste. So although I believe there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals for their resources, I cannot support the way animals are being slaughtered and taken advantage of in today's society. I think it is important to state this, as animal activists (and activists in general) are often viewed as crazy and psychotic. Regardless of stereotypes and assumptions, that is not me, and because of a common perception, I want to make my views clear in the hopes of attracting readers, rather than repelling them!

I encourage comments of all kinds. I want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. If anyone has any additional information to share, please do so, and do not hesitate to correct me or provide contradictory information! I intend to touch on as many issues as possible, to provide the reader with as much information as possible, so that the reader can then choose which issues most touch his or her heart and can pursue more information/action on behalf of the problem. To begin, I direct you to the PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) action center:

So wish me luck! I've never run a blog before, and I'm hoping this will end up being successful. For anyone who even stumbles upon my blog, thank you for reading! The only way to solve the animal rights problems is to educate those who are unaware, which is exactly what I hope to do!