"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
~ Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Poulty Production: What Really Happens Behind Closed Doors?

When an investigator for Mercy for Animals went undercover inside an egg factory farm located in California, he kept a daily journal. The following are excerpts from his journal, describing the daily conduct of the employees and the conditions of the factory:
“About 30 cages held dead chickens, and dozens of other cages had various chicken parts in them…”“I picked the bird out and handed her to the worker, who said, "I'm going to kill it." The worker held the hen upside down by her legs, as he attempted to wring her neck”
Often I would feel something crawling on [me]…before seeing a spider fall to the ground”“I also observed the de-population process…The chickens were grabbed by their wings, legs, and backs, often slamming against the sides of the cages or becoming caught in the cage doors as they were repeatedly yanked by the workers to come out”
“Some of the dead birds had large bloody or scabbed wounds on them, and one appeared to have a prolapsed uterus. The worker said that a hundred birds die every day here”
“I saw a worker use a pole to beat a hen through a gap in the floor into the manure pit below”
“Today young hens were brought in from another site…Though it was raining today, the stacks were left uncovered”“I saw that the bird was barely breathing and weakly lifted her head when I touched her neck. I pointed this out to several co-workers, so one…held her head and whipped her body around to break her neck and threw her about ten feet onto the cement before walking off. I checked on her nearly two minutes later, and she was still breathing and responding to my touch”
“During the unloading of a truck, I noticed that one empty bank of cages had a single chicken body in it with the head ripped off and fresh blood dripping from it”
“Every chicken in the barn had curling toenails that were about three inches long. I saw two hens with infected left eyes”
“Cobwebs covered the feeders and egg belts under many of the cages as well, and mouse droppings littered the floor”“I saw a variety of health concerns in the sheds, including three hens with their right wings rubbed raw at the joint. All of the feathers were rubbed off and only skin was left underneath with a clear discharge covering it. I saw three dead hens in separate battery cages, including one that was completely covered in feces and appeared to be partly decomposed”“There were about forty dead birds in the “organic,” “cage-free” shed today”“Two trash cans at the south end of the shed were filled with dead hens when I entered the building”“One hen, whose head was stuck under her cage and resting on the egg belt below it, had over five feet of eggs backed up behind her head”“At the end of the day I was walking with a co-worker, and a loose hen was running ahead of us. He picked up a piece of PVC pipe about six feet long and said, ‘Think I can kill it in just one hit?’”(1)

This video was taken by the same investigator, and expands on the quotes reproduced above:


Though I would like to comfort the reader by claiming that this is a rare instance of abuse and neglect in the industry, doing so would not be truthful. These conditions are common in factory farms all over the United States. And the information above only touches on the issue. The information below expands on the horrid conditions in which factory farm chickens are kept, as well as the unfortunate consequences that affect even those who do not consume chicken products.

Dr. Lesley Rogers, a Professor of Zoology, claims that chickens actually possess “cognitive capacities equivalent to those of mammals, even primates” (2). Additional experts claim that chickens develop a social system known as a pecking order, can recognize each other visually, and can “understand that an object, when taken away and hidden, continues to exist [which is something] beyond the capacity of small children” (2). Chickens are naturally smart, clean animals that require freedom for movement, as well as the opportunity to take dust baths and establish their pecking order. They have beautiful feathers that are incredibly soft. Most people do not get the opportunity to see and touch a chicken up close, but just like any cat or dog, chickens develop their own personalities and are capable of showing affection. Mother hens cluck to their unborn chicks, and the chicks actually cluck back and communicate from within their shells!

Despite the fact that chickens are great animals who deserve enormous respect, they are not being treated appropriately on factory farms. United States factory farms kill approximately 10 billion animals annually (3). Demand for chicken products continues to increase, and unfortunately there are no federal laws in place to protect chickens held on factory farms. The conditions in which the chickens are forced to live are appalling, and the injuries that they sustain are cruel and unnecessary.

The hens at the factory farm investigated by Mercy for Animals are egg-laying hens. There are approximately 325 million egg-laying hens in the United States (4). These birds are kept for 1-2 years before their bodies can no longer handle the stress of the environment. Upon arrival to the farm, these birds are shoved into small wire cages that are stacked on top of each other, with complete disregard for their bodies. Many of the birds suffer broken legs or wings, and because the cages are stacked, the birds are constantly defecating on those below. The cages are so small and contain so many birds that they are incapable of spreading their wings or performing “normal postural adjustments” (5). These birds remain in these conditions until they either die or are removed to be destroyed.

Incapable of performing any normal hygienic or social activities, these birds end up severely injured from the wire caging, suffering from feather loss, bruising, or worse. These chickens are social animals that are not given the amount of space they require. When forced into an environment without enough space or comfort, the birds will peck at each other. Their beaks, which contain bone, cartilage, and extremely sensitive soft tissue, are consequently cut off at the factories, without any form of pain relief, to reduce the injuries that would otherwise result from the excessive pecking (4). Some birds experience enough pain that they are incapable of eating and quickly starve to death.

Egg-laying hens suffer a number of additional health problems as a result of their job and environment. Because they are kept in wire cages, in place of feathers, they get sores and scabs. Disease runs rampant through these farm factories due to the amount of excrement and the filth in the cages. The amount of ammonia produced from the decomposing uric acid burns the animal’s eyes and leads to respiratory ailments (6). A recent investigation at Rose Acre Farms, the second largest egg producer in the United States, revealed information that one manure pit had not been cleaned in two years, and some hens were blind due to the massive level of ammonia (7).

Hens that would normally produce no more than 24 eggs annually in the wild are being subjected to environmental and chemical conditions that cause them to produce up to 250 eggs per year (6)! These hens consequently experience severe osteoporosis because they cannot replenish the amount of calcium required to make these eggs through their diet. Many hens will die when their bodies become too weak to push out another egg, or when they become too weak to carry themselves a couple of inches to their food and water. Many who survive suffer broken bones and paralysis in transit to be slaughtered because they are calcium deficient. Chickens who make it to slaughter either end up in low grade meat products (such as soup or pot pies) or they meet their death by being thrown into a portable grinder (4).

Egg-laying hens are bred specifically to lay eggs. Therefore, they are not built to be profitably produced for meat. So, wait - what happens to all those male chicks that are not rendered profitable? They are thrown away. Literally. Thousands of male chicks are thrown into trash cans where they either suffocate or get crushed by the weight of those on top (4). If they are not thrown away, they are thrown into grinders while still alive. However the grinders are not 100%; a research scientist who witnessed chicks being ground up stated that “even after twenty seconds, there were only partly damaged animals with whole skulls” (4). These chicks are slowly mutilated until they are either killed, or left in a conscious terminal state.

The following is a video of adorable live male chicks being sent on a conveyor belt to a grinder:

(My trick to get through these videos if I can’t handle watching them is to put the videos on pause, and then just click my way through the frames)

I struggled to find legal information for poultry on the USDA website. What I did find, however, are production statistics from 1999. Here are a few that I found interesting:
- 41.7% of houses had 4 or more levels of cages
- 99% of farms fed their hens mash or ground, rather than pellets or crumbled food
- An average of 5.6 hens were placed per cage
- The average floor space for flocks in cages was 53.4 square inches per bird (approx. 7 by 7 inches)
- Rodents had access to the feed troughs at 89.9 percent of farms
- 84.3% of farms used chemicals for pest control (8)
Keep in mind that these statistics are from 1999 and may or may not reflect egg factory farms today.

Chickens that are raised for their meat, otherwise known as broiler chickens, receive treatment that is equally appalling. Although they are not confined to tiny wire cages, they are treated chemically so their bodies grow bigger than they are genetically predisposed. Most chickens’ bodies cannot handle the stress of growing bigger than normal. The heart and the lungs struggle to support an overly developed body, while the legs cripple and crumble under the weight of the top-heavy birds (9). Michael Specter, a writer for The New Yorker, stated after visiting a factory farm: “My eyes burned and so did my lungs, and I could neither see nor breathe [due to the ammonia]…[the chickens were] sitting silently on the floor in front of me. They didn’t move, didn’t cluck. [They were] living in nearly total darkness, and they would spend every minute of their six-week lives that way” (10). Many of these chickens die from disease, injury, or simple inability to reach food and water sources.

Though the preceding information is disturbing, I personally believe the worst is yet to be exposed. When the broiler chickens are sent to slaughter, they undergo cruel procedures. First, they are roughly unloaded from their crates onto a conveyor belt where they are strung up in shackles by their legs while fully conscious, often suffering bruised or broken limbs. Next their throats are slit by a blade that goes across their necks as they are pulled around by their shackles. Sometimes the birds remain conscious after their throats have been slit, and other times the blade misses completely. The final cruel step in this process comes when the birds are dunked into scalding hot water for de-feathering. Many of the birds are conscious when this occurs, and it happens often enough that these birds have been termed “redskins” due to the fact that their skin turns red because the blood did not drain from their bodies (9).

Not only are these birds being subjected to painful and needless practices, but humans are also suffering from these actions. The amount of ammonia in these farms is so excessive that the eggs actually absorb some of it (11). And due to the excessive filth and disease that is rampant throughout the farms, chickens are fed a cocktail of antibiotics; one source claims that the “chickens are given nearly four times more antibiotics than human beings…to keep them alive in conditions that would otherwise kill them” (10). The antibiotics not only end up in the chicken that we eat, but they also come out in the feces. This waste is often used as manure, and consequently has the potential to get into the ground and into waterways, and contaminate these sources (12). Additionally, the excessive use of antibiotics is creating strains of resistant bacteria that are running rampant through the chickens, and are even infecting the workers. PETA reports one scientist's statement: “There have been a lot of stupid things [humans] have done as a species…but this (giving animals antibiotics) has to be one of the most stupid” (12). Even people who do not support these actions or do not ingest chicken will ultimately suffer the consequence of these practices regardless.

There is minimal legislation in effect that aims to protect these animals from abuse in the United States. Most recently, the governor of Michigan signed a bill into law in 2009 that “requires that certain farm animals have enough room to stand up, lie down, turn around and extend their limbs, rather than being confined to tiny cages” (13). Three states, Arizona, California, and Florida, have passed similar laws through ballot initiatives, and Maine, Colorado, and Oregon have all passed legislative laws similar to the Michigan bill. The entire European Union will have battery cages phased out by 2012.

So, what can you really do about this massive societal wrongdoing?
One small thing you can do that would have big results would be to boycott KFC! KFC claims that it only works with suppliers who maintain the highest standards for animal welfare, when in fact multiple investigations have shown that KFC suppliers maintain some of the worst production conditions (14). So if you discontinue purchasing from KFC, and spread the word, you would be sending an important message to KFC and it’s affiliates. Watch a video narrated by an undercover investigator about the KFC suppliers:
Browse this site to learn more, see pictures, watch additional videos, read more reviews, and sign a petition! These practices are not carried out at only one supplier, but at suppliers world-wide.

Behind every issue, there is a celebrity offering his or her support. This issue is backed by Pamela Anderson. She is speaking up for chickens produced for consumption at KFC. Check out her video and sign the petition on this website!

If you ever come across the opportunity to support potential legislation ending these cruel practices, do what you can!

Many sources I’ve come across advocate the “Three R’s” approach:
REDUCE animal consumption
REFINE your diet by switching to higher welfare animal products (i.e. cage free)
REPLACE animal products with readily available vegetarian options

Spread the word! Inform people. Social pressure has amazing effects!

You can always discontinue eating the product, thereby hurting demand

Research and find out which stores/chains are making the effort to deal with animal-friendly businesses. One source claims that “national retailers like Wendy’s, Safeway, Burger King, Red Robin, Carl’s Jr, and Hardees are increasingly phasing in crate-free and cage-free products” to meet consumer demand (obviously KFC is not on this list).

Additional Videos:

Additional Sources:



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