"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, April 30, 2010

Thorough Research is Important before Purchasing a new Puppy because…

…unless that adorable puppy is from either a shelter, rescue group, or respectable breeder, there is a high probability that the adorable puppy you want to add to your family was bred in a puppy mill.But are puppy mills really that bad? The simple answer is yes. For those of you who are familiar with my previous posts, the conditions for dogs at puppy mills are comparable to those for egg-laying hens on factory farms.

Technically, there is no official definition of a puppy mill. The ASPCA has defined a puppy mill as “a large-scale commercial dog breeding operation where profit is given priority over the well-being of the dogs” (1). I agree that a puppy mill is a business operation in which the animal’s health is jeopardized to maximize profits. In puppy mills, puppies and breeder dogs alike severely suffer from neglect on a daily basis. The dogs are housed in small wire cages that are often stacked three, four, or even five levels high. Because of the filth and excrement, disease runs rampant through the kennels. Breeder dogs and puppies can suffer from anything and everything, including skin conditions (mange, ticks, fleas), eye problems (cataracts, glaucoma, retinal atrophy), blood disorders, parvovirus (which is extremely lethal for puppies), respiratory problems, and other internal parasites/diseases/disorders (1). And this list is not a thorough catalog of the ailments from which these dogs may suffer. Puppy mills are nationwide, but are largely concentrated in Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania (12). One source claims the puppy industry in Missouri alone “is valued at 40 million dollars a year” (6).

Many dogs in puppy mills suffer injuries as a result of the wire cages in which they are housed. Their bodies and paws are rubbed raw, and their limbs get caught in the mesh and are sometimes ripped apart. One dog, rescued from a breeder in Missouri, “had gotten his leg caught in the kennel wires and it had been ripped off. He only had three legs” (6). Many dogs share cages and have to live alongside sick, injured, and dead animals. An article in Reader’s Digest by William Ecenbarger reported that, upon arriving at a puppy mill in Florida, the police found “on the porch of the ramshackle farmhouse…a stack of filthy cages, where the decomposing carcass of a terrier dripped fluids onto a live poodle below” (3). These dogs receive minimal veterinary treatment, and inadequate food and water.

Most puppies are ultimately sold and get to leave the awful conditions, but breeder dogs suffer consistent abuse over an extensive period of time. Whereas the puppies are sold off to the public if they make it out of the mill alive, breeder dogs are made to suffer the same cruelties day-in and day-out until they either die or become barren and are killed (2). These dogs may remain untreated throughout the duration of their lives for any ailments they may have even as they produce litter after litter. Sometimes breeding dogs suffer from mammory tumors that never get treated. They are bred as often as possible starting from the mothers’ first heat cycle at around seven months. And because they are confined in such small cages for the duration of their lives, these dogs literally go crazy. A PETA investigator who worked at an infamous puppy mill in Kansas, Nielson Farms, witnessed “these poor dogs circle frantically in their small cages and pace ceaselessly back and forth…their only way of coping with despair” (4). Many breeding females are debarked by having steel rods shoved down their throats, without anesthesia, to cut their vocal cords; many more undergo a dozen or more cesarean sections throughout their lives, also without anesthesia (5).

Although the puppies suffer from the same diseases and environmental conditions as breeder dogs they also experience problems that go beyond the actual puppy mill. First, because the people at puppy mills are not concerned about the health and pedigree of the dogs, many puppies are a result of inbreeding. Puppies should generally be weaned and removed from their parents between 8-12 weeks. Puppies that do not die due to the environment at the mills are taken away from their parents between 5-8 weeks (2). Dogs experience critical development during the first 3-4 months of their lives. Removing a puppy from its litter before it goes through these processes is damaging, as it takes up to seven weeks for a puppy to be fully emotionally developed (7). One source claims that it is common for these puppies to be very sensitive on their necks, as they are roughly handled by the scruff of their necks when on the farm and in transport (8). These puppies do not learn how to properly socialize with other dogs or with people. They do not know what a leash is nor do they know any household etiquette. They have never been groomed, gone for a run, or played with a toy. When these puppies are sold from the mills, they can travel for days or even weeks in the back of a truck with insufficient food, water, and comfort. Those not deemed worthy or healthy enough to be sold as puppies are either killed or become breeder stock.

So who validates these puppy mills by purchasing their “stock” of puppies? Unfortunately, anyone who is not properly informed can fall victim to becoming part of the problem. Puppy mill dogs, who are usually purebreds, can be sold in any number of places. As a buyer, you want to avoid pet stores, brokers, backyard breeders, and the internet. You WANT to work with animal shelters, rescue groups, and professional breeders.

There is a very easy way to discern whether or not the dog you are interested in is from a puppy mill or a respectable breeder. Just make sure you always, always, always request to see the facilities in which the dogs have been maintained. Any respectable breeder will proudly show you around the premises; “if they have nothing to hide, they should show you everything” (2). Be fearful of anyone who refuses to show you the environment and the conditions in which the dogs have been kept. Respectable breeders do not just throw two purebred dogs together to make puppies. Respectable breeders have a science for breeding their dogs, and each litter is conceived on purpose. They know everything about their dogs, including family tree and family history of problems and illnesses. The dogs are bred specifically to produce the best of the breed. Professional breeders care about the dogs and they care about the dog’s placement (1). Breeders want to know just as much about the potential owner as the potential owner should want to know about the dog, and they enjoy staying in contact about problems or issues the owner may have with the dog 5, 10, or even 15 years down the road.

The following is a narrative by someone who went undercover, went through the motions, and purchased a puppy from a suspected mill:

When puppy mill dogs are sold, they are sold either through a broker or to a pet store. Any responsible breeder cares way too much to throw their dogs into a pet store to be sold, and dogs that are taken in off the street go to shelters and rescue organizations (2). Therefore, the majority of dogs that are sold in pet stores are puppy mill dogs, as mills are the only available significant source of stock.

Many dogs that come from mills and are sold in pet stores are registered with the American Kennel Club, but having AKC papers really means nothing. If a puppy is AKC registered, it only means that it is purebred and that both of its parents are AKC-registered. Often, AKC papers are either faked or more puppies are registered than were actually born, supplying the breeder with extra papers for other dogs (13). AKC papers do not guarantee the health of the puppy or the health of its parents. Because of the amount of corruption behind AKC papers, they guarantee nothing when purchasing your dog.

Have you ever walked into a pet store that sells puppies? I know I have. The puppies look so cute and so playful! If you were to look at the puppies’ paperwork, however, it is likely that you would find that the puppy is currently 8 weeks old and is from Missouri or any other puppy mill state. So how old was the pup when it taken from the mill to be shipped around the country? How long did it take to get to its final destination? What were the traveling conditions? Chances are that none of the answers will be good. An incident in Tennessee involved 150 puppies who were transported in a truck from Missouri to pet stores on the east coast; they were kept in the cargo hold with no air conditioning, and four were found dead upon discovery (9). The puppies you see in the pet stores are the luckiest of the lucky to be alive.

The internet has become a very dangerous place for puppies. Good websites have proved very convincing. Unfortunately, internet puppy sales have become very strong. The American Pet Product Manufacturers Association reported for the year 2004 that “more than 200,000 American households bought puppies online” (11). It is so easy to fall in love with that adorable puppy in the picture on the website. In reality, there is a high chance that whoever operates the website has never actually had possession of that dog. The picture may have easily been copied from any other website on the internet. Many people think they’re getting that adorable puppy in the photo. When they receive the actual dog, they are shocked at the reality of the situation, for it is not the dog they fell in love with in the picture. It is unlikely that the buyer would have the option to return the puppy, but if it were an option, the seller most likely hopes the buyer will feel bad for the pup and keep it anyway.

The internet is good for research, however, so don’t fear it - just use it wisely.

One significant reason why it is important to avoid purchasing a puppy mill dog is because of the potential health problems. Many puppy mill dogs are very sick, and the buyer does not find this out until he or she has taken the dog to a vet. Any shelter, rescue group, or professional breeder will have updated health records for their dogs. The history and current state of the dog’s health will be openly accessible from the current owner. Dogs that are bred and sold from puppy mills will not have these records, and if they exist, it is likely that they are false and inaccurate. Many buyers get a huge shock when they bring their newest member of the family into the vet, only to discover that it has painful, and often times expensive, health problems (13).

And as much as you may want to purchase a puppy from a pet store to help out and do some good, you would actually be doing a disservice if you followed through with the purchase, because your money would help fund and support puppy mills nationwide despite your altruistic intentions.

One big reason puppy mills are still able to thrive is due to high demand for purebred dogs, but there are many other honest and respectable resources from which you can get a purebred dog (3). The Humane Society of the United States estimates that “one in four of the dogs that enter U.S. animal shelters is purebred” (10). I personally do not understand the need for a purebred dog as opposed to a mix. There are thousands of great mixes out there, but if your heart is set on a German Shepherd, or if the shelter is really that unappealing to you, there are rescue groups for just about every breed of dog you can think of. It is important to get a dog that is suitable for your home, and sometimes that dog isn’t even a puppy! Additionally, there is already an overpopulation of dogs in the United States, with millions being euthanized annually (2). There is no reason for puppy mills to continue breeding these dogs. The United States is not experiencing a shortage, and every dog that is sold to a family from a puppy mill equates to one more shelter dog that does not find a home.

One website I came across strongly voices its concern that the term “puppy mill” is being thrown around too much, and that respectable breeders are either becoming tainted or are forced to jump through extra hoops to prove themselves. And maybe it is true that the term is becoming a little too inclusive, making it more difficult and expensive for legitimate breeders to run their businesses. Any responsible breeder, however, has chosen to be a part of this business and is not in it strictly for the profits. A standard has to be set somewhere. Although this article focuses on puppy mills, I have written it to apply to all forms of inhumane breeding, such as back yard breeding. In an animal cruelty case from February of 2005, a veterinarian made statements about the conditions of the dogs that the defendant was retaining: “At least three dogs were over age 13 and still being bred, despite blindness, dental disease, and mange” (11). So maybe the term “puppy mill” has become too much of an umbrella within the breeding industry, but I am not here to debate the definition of the term puppy mill and to whom it should apply. I am writing this to inform people so that they can make smart decision to avoid supporting inhumane breeding, no matter what the situation. Once again, always ask to see the premises. If you are denied admission, leave the location and find your dog elsewhere.

One aspect that seems to be missing from this article is the role that law has in protecting these animals. The reason this section has gone missing until now is because it practically does not exist. Because “puppy mill” has no technical definition, it is difficult to create laws that deal directly with the issue. The only federal law that currently exists to protect these animals is the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), but there are many loopholes in the law and the enforcement of the law is weak at best. Created in 1966, the Animal Welfare Act regulates commercial dog breeding and is enforced by the United States Department of Agriculture. However, there is a serious lack of enforcement by the USDA. According to the AWA, commercial breeders must be licensed by the USDA to sell animals to brokers and pet stores. This creates a loophole for people who sell their animals directly, either online or by other means, as they do not have to be licensed, and consequently do not have to have their facilities inspected “meaning they are not accountable to anyone for their breeding and care standards“ (1). The AWA prescribes specific standards of care for breeders licensed by the USDA, but it appears that inspections are not taken seriously. The Humane Society of the United States has found, based on inspection records, that “many USDA-licensed breeders get away with repeated violations of the Animal Welfare Act [and] are often allowed to renew their licenses again and again” (2). An investigator who went undercover at Nielson Farms witnessed an inspection by the USDA. According to the investigator, “the inspector glanced at the cages but did not examine the dogs…the inspector asked for an employee’s phone number then called and asked her for a date” (4). Unfortunately, the only federal protection these dogs have is a complete joke.

The following links to an inspection report by the USDA. The report spans from August of 2007 - October of 2009. Although it is honorable that the inspections noted the poor conditions at the location, the fact that the location was able to stay open for a full two years also demonstrates the problems with enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act. The only good thing is that, according to the report, the certificate for this location has been canceled (PDF): http://acissearch.aphis.usda.gov/LPASearch/faces/pdfpage.jspx?custid=41192
If you are interested in searching more reports, this is the website to do so: http://acissearch.aphis.usda.gov/LPASearch/faces/LPASearch.jspx

Because there is no federal protection for breeding dogs, the states are left to fend for themselves and pass individual laws. So far there are very few of these. In 2008, Virginia passed a law limiting the number of adult dogs a commercial breeder may possess, and Louisiana passed a law to limit the total number of animals a breeder may possess at one time (1). Many states have enacted puppy “lemon laws” in an effort to protect the consumer and to encourage mills to enforce higher standards, but I believe these laws are useless on both counts. A sick animal bought from a pet store that is later returned does not financially damage the puppy mills. So many pets die on the mills that losing one or two more ultimately is not a big deal. And most pets that are “returned” for health reasons are simply put down. The lemon laws are virtually ineffective at protecting the puppies.

Oprah Winfrey has done at least one special on puppy mills. The following video is only a brief clip from her show:

Charlize Theron has also narrated a 30 second PSA about puppy mills:

Many news stations have done reports on puppy mills:
The following is a report that aired on CNN:

Humane Society Puppy Mill Raid in Tennessee

Though the preceding information discusses ways in which you can help the situation, I have condensed the information, and added more, for easy referencing below:

Basic Do’s and Don’ts when Shopping for a Puppy

Do Not shop at pet stores that carry puppies, even if you are only going in for supplies
Do Not purchase a dog online NO MATTER WHAT!
Do Not purchase a dog from someone who will not allow you to see the premises
Do Not “rescue” that dog at the pet store - sadly, your good intentions will only fuel the fire for puppy mills

DO RESEARCH! No matter where you are getting your dog, do the prerequisite research.
Do adopt from your local shelter! Even if you have your heart set on that purebred Husky, at least take a trip and have a look around - you never know who may win you over! :)
Do contact rescue organizations about available dogsDo request to see the premises on which the dogs are being maintained

Though I have created this list and written everything down on paper, do not get stressed out about the process of finding a dog! After reading this article, it is likely that you will recognize if something is out-of-place or uneasy in an adoption situation. If something doesn’t feel right, go with your gut, and do not be afraid to walk away.

You can also…

Visit a local pet store and determine where the store gets its puppies (based on the paperwork for the dogs). If the store gets its puppies from puppy mills, inform the staff about what you know. Pass out pamphlets (I have one coming soon!) to customers entering the store. Hopefully even such a small gesture will have a large impact on the store and the people who enter.

Spread the word about puppy mills and inform everyone you know! If you know someone who is considering getting a dog, educate them so they can make an informed purchase.

Write letters to editors, newspapers, magazines, and legislators about the disgrace that is the puppy mill!The following site makes it easy and quick to look up the legislators who represent you:

Sign a petition to stop selling cats and dogs in pet stores at: http://www.petitiononline.com/AdoptOut/petition.html

Cited Sources:
1. http://www.aspca.org/fight-animal-cruelty/puppy-mills/
2. http://dogslifemagazine.com/puppymills/
3. http://www.idausa.org/campaigns/puppymills/puppymills.html
4. http://www.helpinganimals.com/f-puppymillprison.asp
5. http://www.mlar.org/puppy-mills/how_to_spot_a_puppy_mill
6. http://www.prisonersofgreed.org/
7. http://www.vanerp.net/ilse/GSDINFO/understandyourpuppy.htm
8. http://www.anewstartonlife.com/puppymill.htm
9. http://www.peta.org/mc/factsheet_display.asp?ID=45
10. http://www.puppyeducation.com/puppymills.html
11. http://www.ddal.org/puppymills/
12. http://www.pawplacement.org/puppymillprogram
13. http://www.billfoundation.org/html/puppy_mills.html

Additional Sources:http://www.canismajor.com/dog/puppymil.html


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